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00001 - PARISH OF ST NICHOLAS', ALCESTER - 1560-2014
1 - Incumbent
2 - Churchwardens
3 - Vestry
4 - Parochial Church Council
5 - Auxiliary Organisations
6 - Constable
7 - Overseers of the Poor
8 - Overseers of Highways
9 - Various Parish Officers
10 - Charities
1 - Reynolds Charity
2 - Moor Fields Charity
1 - Deeds
1 - Counterpart of lease from the Proctors of the Borough [sic] of Alcester to John Johnson of Alcester, innholder - 8 Oct 1606
2 - Lease from the Proctors of the town of Alcester to John Rounde of Alcester, yeoman - 1 Nov 1647
3 - Counterpart of lease from William Mills and Thomas Round junior, Proctors of the town of Alcester, to Stephen Round of Alcester, innholder - 2 Oct 1669
4 - Lease by John Dolphin of Alcester, husbandman, to the Proctors of the town of a cottage in the Moore wherein he lives for 2,000 years at a peppercorn rent, in consideration of 41s - 13 Mar 1675
5 - Lease from the rector and churchwardens to William Huband of Alcester, baker, of two meadows adjoining the common moors called the Moor Meadows containing 5a. 3r. now in the occupation of Elizabeth Whissell, widow, for 14 years at a yearly rent of £17 10s - 23 Aug 1785
6 - Bargain and sale by Isaac Green of Alcester, joiner, high bailiff, and Samuel Round of the same place, innholder - 16 Nov 1733
7 - Mortgage by the bailiffs, rector, churchwardens and ten other principal inhabitants of Alcester to William Farr of Kings Coughton, gent. - 25 Mar 1808
8 - Further charge on the premises identified in DR0360/121 of £100 likewise advanced by William Farr - 1 Dec 1808
9 - Lease from the Bailiffs of Alcester to George Whissell of Alcester, victualler - 8 Nov 1809
10 - Further charge on the premises identified in DR0360/121 (1808) of £60 advanced by John Farr, who has succeeded to the property after the death of William Farr in September, 1825 - 30 May 1826
11 - Included with the above older deeds are various subsidiary modern deeds, accounts and Charity Commission correspondence, c.1897-1938 - c.1897-1938
3 - Church Lands: Hawes's Close
4 - Church Lands (unidentified)
5 - Church House
6 - Addition to Glebe Land
7 - Brandis's Charity
8 - House for use of the Poor
9 - Molly Hodgett's Charity
10 - ? Wilcox's Charity
11 - Spilsbury's Charity
12 - Gould's Gift
13 - Town Lands (various properties)
14 - Standard Measures received from the Exchequer
15 - Penelope Morgans Charity
16 - Market Tolls released by the Earl of Warwick
17 - Newport's Grammar School
18 - National Schools
19 - Thomas Wilson's Charity
20 - Miss Harris's Bequest
21 - Mary Purton Bequest
22 - Chapman Bequest
23 - Charities in General
24 - Church Street Property
25 - J P Baylis Charity
12 - Statutory deposits
14 - Printed Books and Newspapers
15 - Miscellaneous