Hierarchy Browser
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1 - Incumbent
1 - Registers
3 - Benefice (property and income; union with other benefices)
1 - Volume containing lists of those eligible to pay Easter dues and tithes, 1859-1872; receipts for payment of Easter dues, tithes and the school rate, 1860-1877, with associated memoranda; list entitled "Population" giving the names of the head of each household and the number in it, undated; rough plans of Aston and its hamlets, Little Alne, Shelfield, Pathloe and Wilmcote, c.1880; list of those paying fees for burial, marriage etc., 1867-1884 - 1859-1918
2 - Original bundle of miscellaneous papers mostly correspondence, concerning the benefice, letting the school house and teacher's house, 1912-1928; tithes and moduses, 1916-1922; the fishing rights of the vicar on the glebe and sale of Aston Glebe Farm, 1917-1918; and fees for graves, 1920. Mortgage of glebe, tithes etc. to obtain money to repair the parsonage house, 1904, rules for the bell ringers, c.1912 and contract with G.P.O. to place telegraph poles on the vicar's property, 1930; notebook containing list of religious books, with memoranda and letter of 1917 concerning a dispute over processions in church - 1904-1930
3 - Tithes: lists of inhabitants who owed payments for tithe, 1918-1923, and letter concerning the Tithe Measure in 1928 - 1918-1928
4 - Vicarage: mortgage for the purpose of making improvements thereto, with covering letter. - 1937
5 - Church lands: correspondence with the Central Land Board and the Ministry of Town and Country Planning about the church property - 1950
6 - Glebe: Agricultural tenancy agreement for lease to John S. Edkins of Castle Farm, Aston Cantlow, of land called Glebe Land with plan, 1969; Alcester R.D.C Sewerage Scheme, the line of which passed through Castle Farm, notification, 1973 - 1969-1973
7 - Vicarage: letters and plans about the erection of a new vicarage - 1973
4 - Incumbent's working papers
2 - Churchwardens
3 - Vestry
4 - Parochial Church Council
5 - Auxiliary organisations
6 - Constables
7 - Overseers of the Poor
8 - Surveyors of the Highways
10 - Charities
11 - Schools
14 - Printed Material
15 - Miscellaneous