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00015 - PARISH OF ST MARY, ATHERSTONE - 1490-1997
1 - Incumbent
1 - Registers
2 - Appointments of clergy
3 - Benefice (property & income; union with other benefices)
4 - Incumbent's working papers
1 - Atherstone cemetery; account for fees on consecreation of additional ground as authorised under 30 & 31 Vic. cap. 135. - 1908
2 - The curacy at Atherstone: copy deed of covenant between the vicar of Mancetter and Atherstone and Joseph Willday of Atherstone, banker, whereby the latter promised to pay £100 towards the salary of a resident curate at Atherstone for seven years, 10 Oct 1822 - 1822,1826
3 - Case and opinion in which Dr. Addams of Doctors Commons considered that Atherstone should be ready to contribute to Mancetter church expenses, pointing out that whilst Atherstone buries her dead at Mancetter, she could find that Mancetter would only accept the interment of persons dying at Atherstone as extra-parishioners and on payment of a larger fee, if Atherstone fails to contribute as before. - 1857
4 - Deed of relinquishment of surplice fees by the Revd. Benjamin Richings, vicar of Mancetter, to the Revd. F.H. Richings, incumbent of St. Mary, Atherstone - 9 Jul 1863
5 - Fees: note of customary mortuary fees belonging to the vicar of Mancetter until the next avoidance of the living or until a surrender of such fees ..... to the incumbent of Atherstone and his successors, c. 1855. - c.1855, 1870
6 - The cure: letter from Ecclesiastical Commission on the augmentation of the income of the cure, 1884 - 1884
7 - Typescript notes by the Revd. H. Marshall made on handing over to the Revd. Mr. Matthews. - 1927
8 - Letters re Nullity of Marriage Act - 1971
2 - Churchwardens
3 - Vestry
4 - Parochial Church Council
5 - Auxiliary Organisations
6 - Constables
7 - Overseers of the Poor
10 - Charities
14 - Printed
15 - Miscellaneous