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1 - Prints
1 - Places
1 - Warwickshire General
2 - Warwick
1 - Topographical
1 - Streets and buildings beginning with A
2 - Streets and buildings beginning with B
3 - Streets and buildings beginning with C
4 - Warwick Castle
5 - Warwick Churches
6 - St Mary's Church, Warwick
7 - Streets and buildings beginning with E
8 - Streets and buildings beginning with F
9 - Streets and buildings beginning with G
10 - Streets and buildings beginning with H
11 - Streets and buildings beginning with J
12 - Streets and buildings beginning with L
13 - Streets and buildings beginning with M
14 - Streets and buildings beginning with N
15 - Streets and buildings beginning with O
16 - Streets and buildings beginning with P
17 - Streets and buildings beginning with R
18 - Streets and buildings beginning with S
1 - Saltisford, Warwick
2 - Eagle Works, Saltisford, Warwick
3123 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering product entering Buckingham Palace - circa 1929
3124 - Photograph of Eagle Engineering, Saltisford, Warwick - circa 1970
3125 - Photograph of Eagle Engineering employees, Saltisford, Warwick - 1985
3127 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - 1985
3128 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1930
3129 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1930
3130 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1930
3131 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3132 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering water cart at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3133 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3134 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering water cart at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3135 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering tipping cart at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3136 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering fluid carrying vehicle at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3137 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering trailer chassis at the works, Saltisford, Warwick - c1950
3138 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering float horses at the Warwick hospital carnival, taken in Victoria St. Saltisford, Warwick - 1932
3139 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering machine shop, Saltisford, Warwick - circa 1918
3140 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering premises in delapidated condition before demolition, Saltisford, Warwick - c1970
3141 - Photograph of a Charabanc at the Eagle Engineering premises in, Saltisford, Warwick - c1970
3142 - Photograph of a Charabanc (close up) at the Eagle Engineering premises in, Saltisford, Warwick - c1970
3143 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering premises in delapidated condition before demolition, Saltisford, Warwick - c1970
3144 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering premises, Saltisford, Warwick showing the manually operated lift mechanism in the former mill building (which had been a brewery and agricultural implement works). - c1970
3145 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering (Warwick) Exhibition stand held at the Public Works, Roads and Transport exhibition. - 1921
3146 - Photograph of the Eagle Engineering (Warwick) Exhibition stand held at the Public Works, Roads and Transport exhibition. - 1921
3147 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering vehicle at Saltisford, Warwick - 1921
3148 - Photograph of an Eagle Engineering cart at Saltisford, Warwick - 1921
3 - Smith Street, Warwick
4 - St John's, Warwick
5 - St Nicholas Church, Warwick
6 - St Nicholas' Park, Warwick
7 - Stand Street, Warwick
8 - Stratford Street, Warwick
9 - Swan Street, Warwick
19 - Streets and buildings beginning with T
20 - Streets and buildings beginning with V
21 - Streets and buildings beginning with W
2 - Warwick General
3 - Leamington Spa
4 - Other Places
2 - Subjects