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1 - Prints
1 - Places
1 - Warwickshire General
2 - Warwick
1 - Topographical
2 - Warwick General
1 - Folder A-C
2 - Folder D-F
3 - Folder G-I
5 - Folder M-O
6 - Folder P-R
7 - Schools
1 - Schools and Sunday Schools : All Saints' Schools, Borough School, Smith Street School, St Nicholas' Church School, Westgate School, The Butts (Middle School), Coten End School
3948 - Photograph of a group of Schoolgirls at the Borough School, Warwick.
3949 - Photograph of a Sunday School Treat in the Castle Park, Warwick. - 1912
3950 - Photograph of All Saints Sunday School Group, Warwick. - 1910
3951 - Photograph of The Butts Middle School Group, Warwick.
3952 - Photograph of All Saints School Group, Warwick. - 1927
3953 - Photograph of Staff at Westgate School, Warwick. - circa 1892
3954 - Photograph of Pupils, on Empire Day, at Westgate School, Warwick. - 23 May 1919
3955 - Photograph of Pupils, on Sports Day, at Coten End School, Warwick.
3956 - Photograph of Infant Class, at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1910-1911
3957 - Photograph of Woodwork Class, at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1926
3958 - Photograph of Class, at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1910-1911
3959 - Photograph of Infants, at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1937
3960 - Photograph of Westgate School, Warwick. - 1927
3961 - Photograph of Group of Pupils at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1924
3962 - Photograph of Folk Dance Team at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1923
3963 - Photograph of Netball Team at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1935-1936
3964 - Photograph of P E lesson at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1937
3965 - Photograph of Standard VII girls at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1953
3966 - Photograph of Girls Folk Dance Team at Westgate School, Warwick. - 1935
3967 - Photograph of Coten End School, Warwick.
3968 - Photograph of Coten End School, Warwick.
3969 - Photograph of Coten End School, Warwick.
3970 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - May 1926
3971 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - May 1926
3972 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - circa 1920
3973 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - circa 1920
3974 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - circa 1920
3975 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - 1920s
3976 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick.
3977 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick.
3978 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick.
3979 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - 1907
3980 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - 1919
3981 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - 1920
3982 - Photograph from the air of Coten End School , Warwick.
3983 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - 1933
3984 - Photograph of Coten End School Staff Group, Warwick. - 1946
3985 - Photograph of Coten End School Staff Group, Warwick. - 1948
3986 - Photograph of Coten End School Staff Group, Warwick. - 1934
3987 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick.
3988 - Photograph of Coten End School Group, Warwick. - circa 1912
3989 - Photograph of Coten End School, Warwick. - circa 1922
3990 - Photograph of children at Coten End School, Warwick.
3991 - Photograph of 1935/6 football team at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1936
3992 - Photograph of Class Standard VI, at Coten End School, Warwick. - circa 1934
3993 - Photograph of Class Standard V, at Coten End School, Warwick. - circa 1935
3994 - Photograph of Class Standard II, at Coten End School, Warwick. - circa 1933
3995 - Photograph of Class Standard V, at Coten End School, Warwick. - circa 1933
3996 - Photograph of Netball, at Coten End School, Warwick. - circa 1932
3997 - Photograph on Empire Day, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1928
3998 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
3999 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4000 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4001 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4002 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4003 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4004 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4005 - Photograph of fire damage, at Coten End School, Warwick. - 1957
4006 - Photograph of May Pole Dancing at All Saints School, Warwick. - 1912
4007 - Photograph of Staff at Smith Street School, Warwick. - 1890-1900
4008 - Photograph of Staff and Children at Smith Street School, Warwick. - 1890-1900
4009 - Photograph of Staff and Children at Smith Street School, Warwick. - 1890-1900
2 - Schools : Kings High School
3 - Schools : Warwick School
8 - Folder S-U
9 - Folder V-Z
10 - Warwick Woodcarvers
11 - Warwickshire Regiments
3343 - Photograph of the County Education dept. staff, Warwick - 1922
3453 - Photograph of County Resources Centre Logo. Leamington Spa. - 1978
3543 - Photograph of Public Baths, Warwick. - 1929
3 - Leamington Spa
4 - Other Places
2 - Subjects