
TitleConveyance, freely and voluntarily (without any valuable consideration), from Haunchwood Collieries Ltd. of Stockingford, Nuneaton, (settlors) to the Worcester Diocesan Trust (upon trusts with powers of management delegated to the Rev. Charles Heaton, vicar of Ansley, as administrative trustee in accordance with and supplemental to the provisions of the Worcester Diocesan Trust Scheme 1913) of a piece or parcel of ground at Ansley
DescriptionContaining 221 sq.yds. (with coloured plan showing boundaries and abuttals affixed with a reservation to the Company of all mines, veins, seams, beds of coal, ironstone, iron ore, clay and other minerals etc. with full right, power and authority for the vendors to work, get and carry away the same etc. Upon trust to permit the same and all buildings which now/may be erected thereon to be used as a site for a church room or in any other manner for objects mentioned in the Scheme, 9 Feb. 1915(DR0298/90/1); Acknowledgement and Undertaking by the Company of the right of the Diocesan Trust to production of the documents in the Schedule within (1876-1903), 9 Feb. 1915 (DR0298/90/2); MS pencilled plan showing a piece of land adjoining a road, "Mander Allotments" and "Birmingham" (?allotments) and cottages (DR0298/90/3).
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