
TitleRegister of baptisms, [1654-5], 1661-1771; Marriages, 1664-1753; Burials, 1661-1771.
DescriptionN.B. Entries of each sort do not exist for every year within the covering dates (?partly because of the smallness of the parish - see DR0240/11). Entries exist as follows: baptisms, 1661-4, 1666-70, 1672-9, 1681-1745, 1747-71; marriages, 1664, 1670, 1674, 1676, 1685-86, 1695-1700, 1703, 1706, 1708-14, 1716-7, 1722-4, 1727-1730, 1732-4, 1738, 1740, 1743-50 and 1752-3; burials, 1661-5, 1668-9, 1671, 1674-6, 1678-9, 1682-6, 1689-1700, 1702-12, 1715, 1717-9, 1722-4, 1726-30, 1732-3, 1735-6, 1739-41, 1744-9, 1751, 1753-5, 1757-64 and 1766-1771.
The volume includes a memorandum, on the front inside pastedown, of the receipt by Nicholas Davis of 6s.6d. from Mr. Charles Prince as payment for the book, 12 Apr 1660, and a note "that upon Feb: 10th 1670 at ten of the clock in ye night in my garden Rachel Tysoe was taken evesdropping my house wittness my daughter Jane Wilkes."; memoranda, on the first leaves, of the birth of Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey Parret and Margaret his wife, 29 Sep 1654, and the baptism of Anna, daughter of GP, 5 Feb 1655; a list of the profits belonging to the rectory (testified and signed by the rector, Richard Saunders, ?1682 and 18 Apr 1709) with a note of the date, 21 Feb 1682, when "Mortuaries are due"; a list of mortuaries and burial expenses received (e.g. "I[tem] received for breaking up the Chancell for Mr. Thomas's youngest son ..."); affirmation of the birth of Alice, daughter of James Smith of Atherstone-on-Stour and Eleanor his wife "about the middle of September ... 1665 ... Whose age and Baptisme is not registred elsewhere in this booke"; account, on the penultimate leaf in the book, "of the Clerkes wages in the parish of Atherston" (listing cottages and farms and their inhabitants liable for payments) testified by Richard Saunders, rector, 18 June 1681, and subscribed with a memorandum that "all Cott[ager]s pay 4d. per Annum" and, on the last page, jottings re the dates of birth of Charles Smith, Phillip Smith and "Hestor" Jackson, No Date (1673) and re church expenses (fees, charges and bread and wine), No Date ?1673. N.B. Until 1710/15 the rector and churchwardens have signed their names at the foot of each page (in each section).
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