
TitleOriginal bundle in a paper wrapper marked "Berkswell Charities Leases etc. etc. Revd. T. Cattel Rector-Trustee. Schoolmasters Appointments etc. by whom"
1-9 Leases: from the rector and churchwardesn as trustees of certain charities of the parish to William Docker the elder of Berkswell, farmer of 2 acres of land at Oldnall End, 1822; to Thomas Gwinn of Berkswell, weaver, of a cow hovel, 3 closes of land and 1 meadow in Nailcot End, 1822; to William Bates of Berkswell, farmer, of 4 acres 1 rood in Cornest End, 1822, which property was assigned to Joseph Wakelin of Berkswell, farmer, in 1825; to William Cole of Berkswell, farmer, of a messuage, barn, garden, etc., with closes of 36 acres, 2 roods and 27 perches at Burton Green, 1828; to Mary Bradnock of Berkswell, widow. of a messuage, and 6 pieces of enclosed land containing 12½ acres in Oldnall End, 1828; to George Dormer of Berkswell, farmer, of 2 closes called the Bellamies in Beech End, 1828; to William Everall of Berkswell, farmer of a messuage and 9 closes at Burton Green, 1841; to Thomas Gwin of Berkswell, farmer, of 3 closes of 8 acres near Hodgetts Lane with the hovel thereon, 1845.
10-30. Memoranda of agreements agreements made between the trusteees of the charity houses and lands of Berkswell with divers tenants, 1842-1859.
31-60. Bundle of notices to quit charity property, 1853-1867.
61-69. Memoranda of agreements made between the trustees of the charity lands and divers tenants (4), 1853-1861; schedules of the allotments of the Berkswell charity estates, 1804; two receipts for money paid in connection with apprenticeship, 1847,1848; notices that Good Friday Grove and land in Hodgetts Lane are to be let by tender, 1855.
RelatedMaterialSee also: DR613/ Nos. 106-111
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