
TitleRelease and quitelaim of Ric. de Schipton to Joh. le Redeclerk of the house mentioned in 13 to hold on same terms.
DescriptionWitn. Joh. de Clifton, bailiff, Nic. de Meriton, Hen. Attehey, Joh. de Newerk, Rob. de Boresworth, Will. le Cottler, Gal. ffrebern, Ric. de Crek, and others

At Coventry.
The names of witnesses to these deeds are in many cases familiar. Will. Gauntpe (see DR0429/18) was a party in a suit against the prior of Coventry about market rights in Edward II.'s time. This family left their mark on the field nomenclature of Coventry. We hear of a "litle-Grauntpurs-feild" in the "Leet Book." Men's names are met with at this time under curious disguises. Robertus Cocus (DR0429/15) is the same as Robert le Keu (DR0429/16) both the Latin and French forms meaning "cook", so he may have been the ancestor of Laurence Cook, who was a prominent Mayor in the early fifteenth century. Hen. atte Heth (DR0429/15) also has his name spelled by the scribes in a number of different ways. Simon Pakeman (DR0429/19) seems to have shared his master, the Prior's, unpopularity. (See for his quarrel with Peter de Stoke, "Story of Coventry," p.68).
The following deeds concern property in Much Park Street. When and how this property came into possession of Trinity Church I do not know. There appear to be two sets of property, one adjacent to a messuage owned by Rob. Russel, and another lying between those severally owned and occupied by John de Rede-clerk and Robert the Cook. From one house there issues a rent of 8s. and from the other one of 6s.8d., and whether as lessee or grantee John le Redeclerk is concerned in them both, though the property comes to him in roundabout ways.

Dated: 4 Edw.III (1330)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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