
TitleJesus Hall
Date5 Nov [1657]
DescriptionIndenture between Edw. Owen, of Clifford, co. Glouc., gentleman, and Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Will Jelliff and Hum. Burton wherein the former agrees to enter into two messuages and one entry (see DR0429/206) before Nov. 20, and thereafter levy a fine in form provided by justices of Common Bench to Mat. Smyth, etc., and to the heirs of Humfrey Burton, of these premises aforesaid, which fine shall be and inure ... to the purposes following, viz., the Vicarage-house and entry, to the use of Mat. Smyth, etc., and the other messuage, called Jesus Hall, to the use of Hum. Burton
Sign. and seal of Edw. Owen.
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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