
TitleGrant in perpetuity from Lau. Waldegrave to Rob. Broddesworth and Tho. Dysshere of all his lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, with woods, hedges, and ditches in Coventry and Warwickshire.
DescriptionWitn. (for mayor and bailiffs see DR0429/36) Ric. Southern, Will. Stanton, Joh. Colshull, Joh. Moweton, and others. At Coventry
Seal, S. Hubert's stag's head. leg. (?) S P R D I V E

This set of deeds is not so prolific as others in well-known names, though Will. Donnington (DR0429/38) is mentioned as recorder in the Leet Book. "Novel Disseizin" (DR0429/39) is described by Riley "Liber Albus," as deprivation of the possession of a freehold since the last Eyre or Circuit. Here it is not the actual freehold that the Corpus Christi Guild recover against the Stywards, but a 20s. rent, derived from a tenement in Friar Lane (see DR0429/33 in last week's paper) which was due in 1384 from Joh. Styward to William Hull and Matilda, his wife. The memorandum to 40 B I have printed before, but since it contains an interesting reference to the Lady Chapel (choir-vestry) it will bear repeating

Dated: 14 Hen. IV. (1412-13)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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