
TitleAgreement between Ric., son of Will. de Wilesgrave, and Emma, formerly wife of Rob. Beufys (quoted in full, see description)
DescriptionThis is a covenant made A.D. 1259 on the feast of S. Michael between Ric. son of Will. de Wilesgrave ... on the one part, and Emma, formerly wife of Rob. Beufys, in her free power ... on the other, namely, that the said Emma delivered up to the said Richard certain land under the wood of the Earl, which land the father of Emma gave her in free marriage, together with a meadow lying thereunto with all appurtenances. To have and to hold the said land with the said meadow stretching itself in length between the way, which is called Hornwodes wey, and the land of Mat. le Baltere, to the said Richard his heirs and assigns or to whomever he wishes to sell, bequeath, or assign it from the said feast of S. Michael in the said year to the end of six years next to come fully ended. So that the said Emma ... shall receive the third sheaf of wheat growing upon the said land every year, and 12d. at the four quarter days for the meadow for all payment and demand. Another said Richard shall cause the said land to be cultivated (the word here used is "gwaniare," which seems to be a form of "gagnare" - to cultivate) in all ways at his own cost, so that the said Emma shall cause to be collected as much manure as she can to be carried to the said ground at the charges of the said Richard.

And the said Emma may not give, sell, or assign the said land or meadow to any man or any living creature within the said term without the consent and goodwill of the said Richard. And she will warrant, etc. And the said Richard shall take the brushwood from his own hedges without gainsaying of anyone. In testimony of which thing to this present writing divided between them in manner of a chirograph, they have alternatively affixed their seals. These being witnesses, Rob. Sym, Will. Leuwyne, Rob. de Chilthan, Rob. de Buchinton, clerk, Alanus Odard de Radford, Nic. de Teinthon, Hen. Beufys, Thomas, his brother, Will, de (?) Burmungh, Math. le Balters, and others.
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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