
TitleDemise for 21 years at 3s. 4d. rent from Will. Slade, Joh. parker, Joh. Harfforde, jun., and Rob. Claughton, chw. of the ch. of the "blessyd and glorious Trinite," to Eus. Beysacre, "cordiner," with assent of all the parishioners, esp. of the headmasters of the parish; Joh. Talans, Joh. Harfforde, sen., Ric. Niclyn, Edw. Damporte, Ric. Hurte, and Will. Hindman, of a grass pleck of ground with a sawpit in it in "Mycheford" Street. Lesses pays 10s. fine.
Date20 Dec [1554]
DescriptionSeal gone.
These deeds carry us on through Mary's reign, mentioning many names of mayors and other prominent people. I wonder if Will Burton (DR0429/77) was an ancestor of Humphrey and Simon Burton, whose names are very familiar in the seventeenth century; or if Will. Randull (DR0429/78) was the father-in-law and patron of Fox, the martyrologist, who married a Coventry woman of that name. Whateley we know; Hen. Over (DR0429/77), whose family came from Cester Over, was mayor in 1544: he purchased the Charterhouse after the Dissolution. Tallans was mayor in 1545: Harford in 1546: Niclyn in 1550: Damport in 1551: Hurte in 1552: and Will Hyndman alias Joynour, whose will (DR0429/82) I do not print again, in 1553. Sewelle is a well-known name: this must be the father or relation of the Will. Sewell, vintner, whose wife is commemorated by a very quaint epitaph on a brass in St. Michael's. Joh. Nethermyll (DR0429/79) must be the son of Julines, who also lies in St. Michael's Church; the family had lands in Exhall. There seems nothing else remarkable about the remaining folk mentioned in the deeds.

Dated: 20 Dec 1 and 2 Ph. and M. (1554)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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