
TitleTo all Christ's faithful seeing or hearing this present writing, Walter de Newerk of Coventry and Isabella, my wife, greeting in the Lord everlasting. Know all ye that we are held and bound to Thomas de Grantham in 44s. sterling for many wares sold to us, to pay to the same Thomas or his certain attorney bearing this letter at Coventry on Sunday next before the Lord's birth (Christmas) A.D. the 30th year of the Lord Edward, son of King Henry, 4s., and on Sunday next after the Purification of the Blessed Mary next following in the above-said year 6d.; and thus from Sunday to Sunday in every week 6d., without any default or gainsaying until the aforesaid debt shall be fully paid. And if it happen - which God forbid! - that we, the said Walter and Isabella, my wife, from any day abovesaid fail in part or wholly in the payment of the said debt, then it shall be well allowed that the bailiffs of the lord Prior of Coventry for the time being destrain on us by all our goods (here follow a few words so faded as to be illegible) as well in our chamber (camera) as in the house, and to retain them until satisfaction (is made) to the aforesaid Thomas or his attorney as aforesaid. And nevertheless we bind ourselves in 40s. to a payment to the Holy Land for violation or infraction of this covenant. In testimony of which thing we have affixed our seals to this present writing. These being witnesses, Elias de Lynne, Hugo le Hosier, and others. Given at Coventry on Tuesday before the feast of S. Nicholas, in the year of the Lord of the Lord Edward above-said.
DescriptionDated: 30 Edw. I. 1301

Seal missing
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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