
TitleWilliam Strong's Charity deed
Date1716, c. 1744
DescriptionIndenture between William Strong of Rugby, ironmonger, (grantor) and Nathaniel Langley and Henry Pope, churchwardens, (trustees) whereby WS, in performance of a desire of his late son Thomas Strong, deceased, ("late Commoner of Balioll Colledge in the University of Oxford") for a charity of 5s. to be given and distributed annually to the poor people of Rugby in white bread on St. Thomas's Day and for a charity of 5s. added thereto of "his [WSs] free will" to secure the other charity for the use of the poor, granted to the churchwardens and their successors an annuity or rent charge of 10s. charged upon a little close in Rugby adjacent to a Lane called "Dog Lane" on the South side (lately purchased by the grantor of William Burnaby, late deceased, and now used by the grantor for a garden and orchard) "to be Issuing going and payable yearly at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle forever" to the charitable uses declared.
17 May 1716 (DR0258/106/1).
Extract from Strong's will (dated 2 Sept 1734 and proved at Canterbury, 4 Feb 1744) bequeathing his dwelling house in Rugby with all its appurtenances and privileges with the garden adjoining to the same and also his close which he bought of John Hey, now called "Claypit Close" to Mary Adkins, his daughter (DR0258/106/2).
NA729/St Andrew/Rugby/Warwickshire
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