
TitleLease for 12 years from the churchwardens and overseers to Wright Chamberlain of Sapcote, farmer, of lands as in DR0230/67/22
DescriptionAnnual rent: £8 15s. (see also DR0230/64) with reservations to the lessors of all timber trees, lops and tops thereof, hedges, hedgerows, willows, sallows and thorns now growing etc. but the lessee to have liberty to lop the trees and cut the hedges for the necessary repairs of mounds and fences belonging to the premises. To hold all the fallows and sheep commons of the land from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past for 12 years and the residue of the land from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel to come for 12 years. With covenants re, inter alia, payment of town dues etc., laying and spreading of hay and straw etc. as manure upon the premises.
15 Aug 1750 (original no. 26).
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