
Description(1) taking down the present seats, pews, and sittings on the ground floor of the church and erecting new pews or seats in lieu thereof (as in plan B), the confirmation of the allotment of the same as expressed in the book of Allotments in the registry of the Consistory court), and for re-siting the font in the middle aisle.
(2) taking down the staircase in the N aisle leading to the singers' gallery and erecting another in lieu thereof at the W end of the aisle.
(3) erecting a gallery in the chancel for the use of the Master and Scholars of the Grammar School of Rugby (expenses to be defrayed by the trustees of the School).
1 Oct 1766. With related plan B (a ground plan of the Church showing the intended disposition of pews.
Cloth. Scale 10ft. = 1½ins.) referred to in the Faculty in connection with (1) - (2). The third grant (sc. the erection of a gallery) refers to a plan D (not found).
RelatedMaterialN.B. A plan A, contemporaneous with plan B, can be found at DR258/72.
NA729/St Andrew/Rugby/Warwickshire
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