
TitleAccount book: levies, mainly, and disbursements
DescriptionIncludes a sealed appointment (by the Justices of the Peace) of the Overseers of the Poor, 13 Apr 1732 (?copy kept by the Overseer); a note that Goodey Watts "Deliverd up Five Boys with -13-shirts... seven pair of Stockings... a Bolster and three Blankitts... a Joynt trundel Bed", 14 May 1733; a Vestry agreement that the law suit between Mrs. Atkins (who the vestry agrees, "only intends to trifle away time and Delay matters till ye Expiration of another Terme in order to gett ye Bill now Depending in Chancery - Dismist") and the parish of Rugby "shall be carried on with ye utmost vigour and that the proper Parish Officers... shall raise money by way of Levies with ye utmost Expedition to Defray the expenses therof..." with list of those dissenting 16 Apr 1733, and ?related memoranda of receipts from the Attorney General acknowledging payments by the Overseers towards the charges of a cause, 28 Apr 1733 and 29 Mar 1735; memoranda by John Allebone (?workhouse official) acknowledging monthly receipt of monies ("pay for the poor": ? salary) ?in connection with running the workhouse, 1733-5; memorandum of Vestry agreement that all necessary charges and expenses "Occasioned upon ye Accompt of Recovering a Charity left to [the]... parish by... Mrs. Joan Vaughan..." shall be raised by levies (with list of dissenters).
NA729/St Andrew/Rugby/Warwickshire
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