
Title"Minutes of meetings of Holy Trinity Church Rugby from the consecration on April 20th 1854 to February 11th 1932"
DescriptionContaining: note of laying of foundation stone, 1852.
Minutes of pewholders' meetings and for the 20th century vestry meeting minutes and minutes of meetings of the congregation and of the Heating Committee, 1854 - 1932.
Details of parish church services in the early years.
Memo of dedication of two communion rails 1933.
Enclosed : Envelope containing specification for mouldings to keep up the plastering between the rafters, 1863, plans of stone weathering at the church, undated, c.1863; letter respecting examination of the roof, it having let in water, 1867.
Petition to the rector of Rugby, signed by the communicants of Holy Trinity asking that they should be able to take Holy Communion twice a month, undated, late 19th century.
Planning notice respecting a scout hut by St. Andrew's Parish scout group, 1972.
NA730/Holy Trinity/Rugby/Warwickshire
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