
TitleMortgage of the glebe, tithes, rents, rentcharges and other profits and emoluments of the living of Lower Shuckburgh.
DescriptionThis was to secure the payment of £800 between the Rev. Charles Reading Bucknill, clerk, incumbent of the parish church and perpetual curacy of Nether (or Lower) Shuckburgh and the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty for the augmentation of the maintenance of the Poor Clergy, for a term of 35 years, "to be laid out and expended in building a Parsonage House and other necessary offices upon the Glebe", 1 Aug 1862. Endorsed with an acknowledgement by Bucknill's nominee, the Rev. Charles Pilkington, of his receipt of the money and his covenant to apply the money for the purposes stated within and a certificate on behalf of Queen Anne's Bounty of the discharge of the principal and interest, 6 Mar 1897.
NA625/Lower Shuckburgh/Warwickshire
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