
TitleMortgage (and Counterpart) of the glebe etc. (as in DR0475/18) for securing the payment of £200 between the Rev. John Worthington, incumbent of the vicarage or perpetual curacy of Nether (or Lower) Shuckburgh, and John Burder of Parliament St., Westminster, gent. (trustee for Queen Anne's Bounty etc. as in DR0475/18)
DescriptionThis was for a term of 35 years for "repairing the parsonage house and offices and repairing and improving the farm buildings belonging to the vicarage", 23 Oct 1872. Endorsed with an acknowledgement by Worthington's nominee, the Rev. John Richard Errington, clerk, of his receipt of the money and certificate on behalf of Queen Anne's Bounty of the discharge of principal and interest, 19 Feb 1907.
NA625/Lower Shuckburgh/Warwickshire
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