
TitleRegister of baptisms, 1637-1711; Marriages, 1637-1710; Burials, 1637-1711
DescriptionIncludes dates of birth (1654-1661) and dates of banns of marriage (1654-1658); entries, on the penultimate leaf, for baptisms, 1709-1710, marriages, 1654 and 1710, and burials, 1709-1710 (otherwise the order of entries is as above); and memoranda, after the baptismal entries of the assignment to Roger, perpetual vicar of Ansley, of a fifth sheaf of all the corn tithe of the whole parish of Ansley (which belongs to the Abbess and Convent of Polesworth) as an Augmentation to or of his vicarage in 1275 (also stating the vicar's income of 50s. from small tithes and obventions), and secondly, of an annual pension of 6s. 8d. claimed (in the minister's account roll for Warwickshire, 45 Eliz.) to be payable by the churchwardens of Ansley for licence to bring the dead within the precincts of Coventry priory with a note, "This record is mistaken; for the money ought to be charged upon Allesley", and an entry in the book of Accounts of the Receiver General for Warwickshire (Thomas Waight) charging the same pension to the Churchwardens of "Alvesley" and recording it as being unpaid for 6 years ("A retro per sex annis") followed by a note, by Francis Bacon (9 Mar 1649) that "the yearly pension with all arreares were by Mr. Robinson Receiver of the tenths demanded as payable by the Churchwardens of Anseley being mistaken for Avseley or Alvesley".
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