
TitleThe War Memorial: window in the church
DescriptionWar Memorial Committee minutes, 1919-1922 (1 vol.); faculty for the insertion of stained glass in the west window with a memorial inscription and for alterations to the south door and placing two swing doors there in memory of the late James Hall, verger 1922; citation order and receipted bill for faculty, 1922; estimate and correspondence relating to the Altar Book Roll of Honour, 1921-1923; correspondence about the window, 1920-1922; roll of honour (MSS.) for 1914-1918 war; letter from Admiral Lord Beatty of Hanover Lodge, Regents Park, on his inability to accept an invitation to unveil the War Memorial tablet "at your School" 1921; unveiling ceremony of Atherstone War Memorial: order of service, 30th September 1923.
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