
TitleOriginal bundle (?), containing papers respecting the above three charities of Wharr, Taverner and Harris and also Dean Digby's in addition to correspondence of the churchwardens on other matters:
Description1-14: Churchwardens' papers and correspondence relating to visitations, 1861, 1865; rate-payers' meetings and church rates, 1862-1866; curate's stipendiary licence and accompanying letter, 1866; fire insurance, 1867, warming apparatus, 1865; certificate concerning James Peacock's attendance at church whilst drunk, 1864.
15-19: Circulars and correspondence with the Charity Commissioners about general matters and the above charities, 1854, 1860
20: Mrs. Dean Digby's charity: statement of accounts, 1861
21-23: Thomas Harris' charity: extract from his will and correspondence about this, undated, 1869
24-33: James Taverner's charity: extract from will made c. 1860, statements of accounts, 1856, 1861; distribution lists, 1861-1864 and tickets handed to two tradesmen who were to supply recipients with goods
34-40: Mary Wharr's charity: statements of accounts, 1857, 1861; distribution list, 1861; correspondence, 1862-1863, some also relating to the other charities
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