
TitleVolume into which documents have been pasted. The book was probably the work of Thomas Sharp, (1770-1841) antiquary of Coventry, who has provided a description of each document.
DescriptionDocuments pasted are:

DR0801/12/1 - Letter announcing a bequest by Sir Richard Clyff late parson of St. George, London to the churchwardens of Holy Trinity, of his tenement in Well Street, Coventry, and his books (with a few named exceptions)

DR0801/12/2 - Constitutions of the office of deacon in Trinity Church, 1462.

DR0801/12/3 - Constitutions of the office of second deacon.

DR0801/12/4 - Orders from Richard Denton, registrar, to the curate and churchwardens, setting out the conduct of services, etc. (?mid 16th cent).

DR0801/12/5 - Letter from Richard Denton in London about the valuation of the vicarage, 20th Nov 1566.

DR0801/12/6 - Draft injunctions given to the clergy (of Coventry) undated (16th cent)

DR0801/12/7 - Draft of part of a letter from a Commissioner mentioning "the business of Trinity Church", nd (16th cent).

DR0801/12/8 - Two portions of an epistolatory controversy in Latin between a vicar of Trinity and another clergyman on the subject of the Eucharist; also a certificate of the publication of banns. c. 1500.

DR0801/12/9-10 - Suit concerning arrears due to William Bennet, vicar of Holy Trinity and formerly reader of the Divinity Lecture at the late College of St. Mary, Warwick. nd (mid 16th cent).

DR0801/12/11 - Draft "articles for the good of the church" agreed in February 1601/2, respecting Church property, offices, etc.

DR0801/12/12 - Bargain and sale by John Howe and John Clymmowe, citizens and organmakers of London, to Holy Trinity churchwardens of a pair of organs (described), 17th December, 18 Hon VIII (1526).

DR0801/12/13 - List of church vestments sold, with prices reached, 6th January 1547.

DR0801/12/14 - Inventory of church goods and plate, 1558.

DR0801/12/15 - Counterpart of DR0801/12/14 (Inventory of church goods and plate, 1558).

DR0801/12/16 - Note of books and things remaining in the chest in the vestry, 23rd April 1627.

DR0801/12/17 - Articles of award to be made by the Prior of Coventry and others in a matter between the churchwardens and William Fyshpole, undated (16th cent).

DR0801/12/18 - Part of the complaint of Thomas Bonde and Chrystyan his wife concerning certain lands in Horewell, Coventry, undated (16th cent).

DR0801/12/19 - Petition to the vestry from Edward Walker and his wife concerning a house lately purchased by the parish, that it may not be rated amongst concealed lands and tenements etc., undated (16th cent)

DR0801/12/20-25 - Pleadings in a suit between the churchwardens and their predecessors in office concerning a sum of £15.9s. 8d, belonging to the church and unjustly detailed by them (Latin).

DR0801/12/26 - First sheet of an indenture between Henrye Kervin, mayor and alderman of Coventry, and Roger Kirvin (sic) of Coventry, fishmongr, his brother, concerning divers properties in Coventry, 23rd August. 27 Eliz. (1585). The remainder of this document is to be found at DR429/395/1).

DR0801/12/27 - Petition to the vestry from Henry Million that he may have a lease of a barn in Cowcke (?Cook) St., Coventry, 11th May 1643.

DR0801/12/28 - Receipt from William Cooke of Coventry, merchant of the staple at Calais, for the last payment on a house in Derby Lane purchased by Williant Parker, powterer, 1519; an account of church monies, 1550.

DR0801/12/29-30 - Receipts; note of payments apparently by the churchwardens, 1553-1596.

DR0801/12/31 - List of persons apparently in debt to the church, 16th cent. List of payments for burials and in sickness etc., 16th cent.

DR0801/12/32-34 - Churchwardens' accounts, 16th cent.

DR0801/12/35 - Payments made at the church, 1541.

DR0801/12/36 - Bills for iron work at the church, the second for the steeple, 16th cent., 1623.

DR0801/12/37 - Bills and receipts for work done at the church 1636-1637.

DR0801/12/38 - Bond to keep the church window in repair, 1st April, 1662.

DR0801/12/39 - Blank.

DR0801/12/40-43 - Disbursements of small sums to poor people, some divided by street, 16th cent.

DR0801/12/44 - Names of persons who purchased wood, late 16th cent.

DR0801/12/45 - Account for the disposition by J. Bryan of money allowed by the vestry for the relief of sick families, undated, 17th cent.

DR0801/12/46-48 - Various bills, e.g. "for 3 days eating and drinking", 1550-1560; 1610-1611.

DR0801/12/49-51 - Rental of lands belonging to Trinity Church, c. 1583/

DR0801/12/52 - Payments for chief rents, sermons, etc., 16th cent.

DR0801/12/53-55 - Bonds, 1551.

DR0801/12/56 - Blank.

DR0801/12/57 - Account of money owing to the parish, bill of charges concerning Brinklow, 16th or 17th cent., 1609.

DR0801/12/58 - Churchwarden's accounts, 1637.

DR0801/12/59 - Abstract of bequests in the will of William Burton of Coventry, 1552.

DR0801/12/60 - Inventory of the goods of Thomas Castel in St. Michael's parish, taken 12th Sept. 1559.

DR0801/12/61,63,65-67 - Bpnds, order, receipt, apprenticeship agreement, 1610-1656[1657].

DR0801/12/62 - List of those present at the hearing of a controversy between the Churchwardens and Mr. Henry Millian, 1621.

DR0801/12/68 - Notes out of Dr. Barnes' sermon, 16th cent.

DR0801/12/69 - Orders for alterations to be made to the church of Holy Trinity by W. Spoonder, archdeacon of Coventry, 25th August, 1829.

At end: index of contents.
NA697/St Michael/Coventry/Coventry
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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