
TitleAttached is the will of Eliz. Hurte.
Date27 Jan [1578-1579]
DescriptionIn the name of God, Amen ... I, Eliz. Hurte, of the Cytie of Coventry, wydowe, in perfect mynde, though sycke in bodye, doe ordeyne and make this my laste will and testaments in maner and forme followynge: ffyrste, I gave and bequethe to Agnes, my daughter, the messuage ... wherein I doe now inhabyte and dwell, seytuate and beynge in the sayde Cytie of Coventrye, in the Street there called the Broad Yate of the waste syde of the same streete, whereof I dyde latelye enfeoffe Hen. Kyrvyne, Raffe Browne, Edm. Gregorye, and Joh. Harryson: To have and to holde the sayde messuage ... vnto the sayde Agnes Hurte, my daughter, and to her heyres for ever, chardginge and willynge the sayde Agnes, and her heyres, in respecte of this my free gyfte and bequeste, to dysburse yearelye the some of xxs, towardes the byinge of woode and cooles to be ymployed and bestowed vpon the relyffe of the pore people within the sayde cytie for ever. Also, I gyve to Agnes, my daughter, my better salte gylte with a cover, whom I make my sole executrix of this my laste will and testament. I make overseers Hen. Kyrvyne, alderman, of the same cytie; Raffe Bowne, Art. Gregorye, and Chr. Swinsto gent. These being wyttnesses, Hen. Kyrvin, alderman of the Cytye of Coventrye; Arthure Gregory esquyer; and Agnes Hurte.

Copy, mark of Ric. Denton, notary.

Dated: 27 Jan (1578-[1579])
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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