
TitleSale by Rog. Kyrvyn, mercer, to Rob. Bonde, Edw. Walker, Tho. Wylson, Rob. Bagnolde, Will. Baker, mercer; Joh. Rooe, haberdasher; Tho. Gravenor, corvicer; Tho. Smythe, draper; Ric. Smyth, junr., vintner; Edw. Pulton, Hen. Seny, whittaver; Tho. Saunders, butcher; Hen. Smyth, son of Ric. Smyth, sen. ald. and vintner; for £39.
Date10 Jan [1586-1587]
(1) a tenement in West Orchard, on s., held by Rob. swane, tyler, betw., tenements of Tho. Castell, cardmaker; and of Hen. Kyrvin, alderman, the latter held by Joh. Jackson, cobbler,
(2) Two messuages in same street on n., betw. tenements of Hen. Kyrvyn, held respectively by Tho. Marshall, tailor; and Agnes Wayle, widow, and stretching from the street to Thos. Castell's garden, which two messuages are held by Will. Edge, lastmaker, and Joh. Wood, glover.
(3) Barn, etc., in Cook Street, on s., held by Rob. Bagnold, betwn. a barn, etc., of Tailors' and Shearmen's fellowship, held by Ric. Saunders, butcher, and Ric. Bentley's garden, held by Joh. Taylor, weaver, and stretches from the street to the town wall.
(4) A messuage in Gosford Street on s., betw. messuage of Chr. Warren, dyer, held by Tho. Mylner, capper, and one of Geo. Hoppers, capper, and stretches from the street to the Whitefriars' wall, which said messuage Tho. Kirvyn, ald. and mercer, deceased, bought fr. Will. Honney, arrowhead-maker, and Christian, his wife, dau., of Will. ffyshpoole, of London, tailor, and Jas. Malam, of London, capper, and Agnes, his wife, another dau., of ffyshpoole, by deed dated Nov. 14. 5 Edw. VI.; all of which messuages, etc., the said Tho. Kyrvyn, Roger's brother, did bequeathe to him, and his brother, Henry, jointly, by his will dated Nov. 5, 1571, and which - by deed or partition - fell to Roger's moiety of the bequest; also
(5) a messuage in Cook Street on s., betw. a messuage of Edw. Walker, held by Rob. Eussye, weaver, and one of Hen. Showell, draper, and stretches from the street to garden of Joh. Showell, weaver, held by Ric. Aston, weaver, which messuage Roger Kyrvyn, lately bought from Leon. Barre, yeoman, deceased; also
(6) all charters. New feoffes to be made after decease of 9 existing feoffes on request of "masters, governors, and rulers" of Trinity parish.

Signature of Kyrven. Seal R.K

Dated: 10 Jan, 29 Eliz. (1586-7)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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