
TitleLease from Hugh Showell, baker; Rob. Sawbridge, tailor; Tho. Eyles, churchwardens, to Tho. Saunders, alderman, with consent of Hen. Kervin, Ric. Barker, Sim. Cotton, alderman, and other masters and governors of the parish, of a tenement in Coundon some time in tenure of -. Neilder and of Raffe Bowne, for 21 years, at 20s. a year.
Date20 May [1593]
DescriptionMarks of churchwardens. Seal T.P., the rest gone.

Dorso. Sealed in presence of T. Banester.

The deeds 102-7 contain no particular references to well-known people, though the Saunders' family are well to the fore. Shutte Lane (DR0429/104) has been erroneously supposed to be called by that name because Charles I. was "shut out" of Coventry, a popular etymology which is certainly erroneous, for here is the name in use in 1593, years before the king's birth. The mention of a house "over against the Cunduit" (DR0429/102) recalls a building that has long since disappeared, and Horwell (DR0429/165) a hamlet long since unpeopled. The seal of John Roo (DR0429/104), the pelican "in her piety", as an allusion to the favourite mediaeval allegory of the pelican, who, angered with its young in the nest, first kills them, and then, overcome with remorse, pierces its breast so that the blood may bring the young birds back to life.

Dated: 20 May, 35 Eliz. (1593)
NA698/Coundon (St George)/Coventry/Coventry
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