
TitleFeoffment of Hen. Smyth, alderman, to Hen. Kirvyn, drap.: Ric. Murdock, tanner; Will Morton, mercer; Geo. Ashton, mercer; Chr. Davenport, jun., mercer; and Geo. Monck, mercer; Hum. Burton, gent.; Pet. Barster, clothier; Sam. Snell, drap.; Edw. Collyns, clothier; and Tho. Lovet, mercer, of 7 fields in Horwell and Asthull, of which 5 lie between the lands of the Drapers' Company on one side and Horwell Lane on the other in length, and in broadth betw. Hearsall and `le Myddlewood,' formerly in occupation of Will. Shawe, and lately in that of Ric. Bayes, Pet, Smyth, and Tho. Hobson, and now in several tenures of Martha Bayes, Anne Wildey, and Tho. Hobson; and one field lies betw, the said lane on n. and the field formerly of Rob., Earl of Leicester, and in the occupation of Joh. Nickoles, on the s. in length, and in breadth from the said lane to the running water, formerly in occupation of Ric. Shawe, and lately in that of Edm. Sadler, whittawer, and now in that of Sara Hereford, widow; and the seventh stretches from the said lane to the said water, and in breadth betw. the Earl of Leicester's land on both sides, formerly in the tenure of Joh. Hereford, lately in that of Rob. Picken, and now in that of Ric. Kilbee; all which fields the grantor received jointly with Ric. Barker, Tho. Saunders, alderman; Rob. Band, innkeeper; Mic. Joyner, drap.; Ric. `Smyth, vintner; Joh. Hearing, mercer; Wal. Whitehead, haberdasher; Mic. Smyth, mercer; Ric. Barker, son of Ric. Barker, draper, of the feoffment of Hen. Kervyn, alderman, by his charter dated Aug. 24, 41 Eliz.
Date21 Apr [1627]
DescriptionJoh. Hurdis, mercer, attorney.
Sign. and seal (pelican) of Hen. Smyth, (dorso) Witn. Tho. Getherns, Ric. Collyns (mark), Joh, Haryngton.
Seizin delivered June 20, 3 Ch.I., in presence of Ric. Kilbee, Tho. Hobson, Edw. Willcox, Oswald Sysaker.

Dated: 21 Apr, 3 Ch. I. (1627)
NA697/St Michael/Coventry/Coventry
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