
TitleLease fr. Chr. Davenport, Nat. Smith, Sam. Snell, Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne, feoffees, to John Burbage, baker, of a mess. and two closes in Coundon, in occupation of Geo. Randell, for two years at 30s. a year in consideration of £12.
Date6 May [1657]
DescriptionSign. and seal of Joh. Burbage. Witn., Will. Ettle, Joh. Ramsey.
There are interesting references in these deeds to the late Civil Wars and the demolition of messuages in Spon Street and Dog Lane (DR0429/203, 204) for the safety of the city. It is noticeable how prominent the medical profession was becoming at this time in civic affairs. Tho. Pidgeon and Abel Brooksby, both apoth-ecaries, filled the mayor's seat, and here is Will. Green, surgeon, amongst the Trinity feoffees. It is possible that the great advance in natural science, which marks the seventeenth century, was raising the surgeon's status, and giving him a position which, as the barber's associate, he had never enjoyed in mediaeval times. I suspect that the name Sherwood (DR0429/204) had some interest, since the husband of Mrs. Sherwood, of "Fairchild Family" fame, had connections in Coventry. Julius Billers (DR0429/201) was mayor in 1658, and it is recorded that in his year there was a "tribble (treble) Bell brought for Trinity and so that Ring increased from 5 to 6 Bells."
NA698/Coundon (St George)/Coventry/Coventry
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