
TitleConveyance from feoffees (see DR0429/241) to Fr. Harryman, Ed. Bradney and others of lands, etc., mentioned in a previous indenture (DR0429/240) in their possession by virtue of the said indenture and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession.
Date13 Aug [1677]
DescriptionSeals and sign. of feoffees (new)

In Nat.Harryman's year (1668) the mayor-lists say that Trinity spire was quite finished, but evidently the work showed signs of haste, for in Will. Jelliff's year (1675) it is recorded that "part of Trinity Spire (was) taken down and built stronger," an additional expense which may account for the mortgage of so many of the church lands and rents to Jos. Simcox, gentleman, of Canley, in 1684 (DR0429/247, 248, 249), in consideration of £350. Many of the names in these deeds are of interest. Ric. Hopkins (DR0429/245), who rented the Brinklew farm, entertained King James II, at Palace Ward in 1687 in Septimus Bott's mayoralty (DR0429/244). "On the first of September this year, King James the Second came to Coventry," says the mayor-lists. "The Mayor and Alderman having notice of his Intention provided a Cup of Massy Gold, weighing about 31b., and said to be worth about £200, to present to the King; also supposing he would lodge at the White Fryars, sent the Constables to warn all Householders between Spon Bargates and Hewgate to whiten their Houses, etc., And also the Inhabitants of Cross Cheaping, Bayley Lane and Hay Lane, also they required all Householders between Spon Bargates and Newgate to sand their streets and dress the Fronts of their Houses with green Boughs, which was done, but the day before the Harbinger came and declared his Majesty would Lodge at the House of Richd. Hopkins, Esq., in High Street, near the Drapery door. The Mayor also ordered the Companies to meet that morning, and about Noon the Mayor and Aldermen rode on Horseback as far as Meriden, where His Majesty shewed them great Respect. Also the Deputy-Lieutenant met His Majesty at Cupple Ford, where Sir Tho. Norton made an Excellent Speech. About 5 at night his Majesty came to Spon Barrs, where the Mayor presented the Gold Cup, and the Steward made or read a Speech to his Majesty, and the Mayor delivered to the King the sword, etc. After which the Mayor and Alderman rode before his Majesty, the Mayor carrying the Sword, the Senior Alderman the Cap of Maintenance, the next Alderman the great Mace, and the next the other Mace, and so rode before his Majesty to his Lodgings, the Companys standing on both sides Spon Street till his Majesty was passed, and then following into the Town. Next morning the Mayor and Alderman attended his Majesty from his Lodgings to the Cross, and thance through the Trinity into St. Michael's where he touched about 300 persons for the Evil. Then had a Stately Breakfast and banquet in St. Mary's Hall at the City's charge, and was attended thance to his Lodgings, where he took Horse, being attended by the Mayor and Alderman on Horseback bare (sic) as far as Saginton Bridge, the several Companies, with their streamers, standing on both sides Much Park Street at his Majesty's passing by."
It is a melancholy thought that Palace Yard is still suffering to decay. It would be a worthy task to repair and preserve it for future generations of Coventry citizens.

John Dugdale (DR0429/247), later Sir John and Norroy-King-of-arms, was the only son of Sir William of immortal memory. I expect Sir John lived in a house in Cross Cheaping, where a writer in the "Gentleman's Magazine" (1804, part 1, page 224) states that the great antiquary himself lived. This house was later, the birthplace of James Hewitt, Lord Lifford, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, says the same authority, but Cotville ("Warwickshire Worthies") declares Hewitt was born in Smithford Street. When doctors differ -

Dated: Aug 13 Feoffment (1677)
NA697/St Michael/Coventry/Coventry
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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