
TitleLease from Rob. Smyth, Jon. Crynes, and others, feoffees, to Will. Warden, jun., butcher, of 2 closes, now in tenure of Ric. Brockhurst, in Radford, whereof one is called Stoney-delph, and the other the Stripe (Lammas), at £8 a year rent
Date9 Aug [1722]
DescriptionSign. and seal. Witn., John Phillips, Will. Astell.
Shakespeare (DR0429/282) is a thoroughly Warwickshire name. I find it in the Coventry Ca¨penters' Books, in the Trinity Registers, and in the records of the Corpus Christi Guild - not the Trinity Guild, as Ribton Turner says (Shakespeare's Land, p. 134) as early as 1439 (leaf 13, back). The Fillongley branch of the family bore the same arms as the dramatist: I know not on what authority. Among the Coventry Shakespeares, John, son of Thomas, described by his master, Samuel Frankland, as an "absolute good scholar," and of a sweet disposition, gained an exhibition to St. John's, Oxford, in 1654, and became, in 1670, vicar of Anstrey. Jaques (DR0429/284) looks like a Huguenot name, and Botterill (DR0429/286) has a suspiciously foreign appearance; it may be these men were the descendants of foreign settlers engaged in silk-weaving. A "hope maker" (DR0429/286) is probably a maker of hoops, which are described by the "New English Dictionary" as measures of corn of varying quantity. The word, associated with "strikes," another obsolete measure, is found in the "Leet Book" (p.334) in the year 1467. Chr. Davenport (221) is evidently a descendant of the well-known family, but the family house at West Orchard corner (DR0429/284) has long since been occupied by others. The conveyance of the Stone-house in Well Street to the churchwardens and overseers of the parish for a workhouse (DR0429/282-3) furnishes an interesting item of Poor-Law history. It is worth noting that two deeds were necessary to effect the transfer, one executed the day after the other.
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