
TitleGrant of Tho. Ive, ex'r. of the will of Will Ive, to Tho. Daye, mercer, of the remainder of the term.
DescriptionEndorsed: An old lees of the halfe mese betwene the Brode Yate and the Cros Chepyng.

"Mem. that the XXth day of July the VIIth (1492) yere of the reign of Kyng Henre the VIIth Tho. Brad (medow) which beying tenaunt to our lady of the halfe Mese within wretton and had therein (blank) yeres to come as appereth, preferrying the welfare of his soule beffore all erthely auauntages and desiryng to be partener of the praiers and suffrages dayly songen and seid in our lady Chappell, hath clerely and wilfully surrendred all his terme, interest and title which he had in the said half Mese to the vse, mayntenaunce and enlargyng of our lady seruice to be daily seid and songen in the seid Chappell (upon the condition that the present occupier John Sissell should not be turned out or his rent raised above £3 a year) which surrendyr ... was admytted and taken to Tho. Hunter, Tho. Walton, Hen. Perkyns, and Dauid Blakwall, Churchewardens, and all the worshipull of that parisshe the XXIX day of July the VIIth yere aboue said and the seid Tho. Bradmedoue thereof discharged."

Dated: 27 Hen. VI (1448-9)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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