
TitleGrant in fulfilment of the last will of Joh. Clerke, alderman and grocer, by Isabella, his widow and executrix to Tho. Waren, Hen. Wall, Ric. Heryng, aldermen, Will. Rogers, Rob. Kryvyn, Will. Colman, Tho. Heryng, Ric. Niklyng, Tho, Waren, jun., and Joh. Wall, of a tenement called Compton's Tenement, now in decay and unbuilt in Much Park Street (see DR0429/61), betw. tenement lately of Tho. fforthe on the e. and land of mayor and bailiffs on the w., which Joh. Clerke had of the gift and feoffment of Will. Clopton, esq., kinsman and heir of Joh. Ruyton, of Coventry, draper. Attorney, Rob. Isham
DescriptionSeal gone.

Endorsed "Thentent of this ffeoffment is this: that the feoffees within-named shall permitte and suffre the churchwardeyns of the holie Trinitie within Coventre to take levie and perceyve the yerlie rents and profettes thereof comyng" towards "the mayntenaunce and ffyndyng of the lamp contynuallie to brenn before the image of the Crucifix in the sayed paryssh church for ever according to the last will of ... Joh. Clerke, whos sowle God pardon."

Seizin delivered 18 Oct., 1527, present Ric. Ryse, Rob. Smyth, skinner, Will. Saunders, capper, Edw. Blakmer, weaver, Rob. Hawton, Rob. Dowde

Dated: 4 Oct 19 Hen.VIII. (1527)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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