
TitleDemise from Joh. Herford, tanner, Tho. Wheteley, cardmaker, Ric. Hurte, mercer, Ric. Nundy, mercer, Joh. Parker, butcher, Tho. Niclyn, butcher, Hen. Kyrvyne, fishmonger, Julynes Herryng, mercer, to Ric. Shawe in return for a fine of £4 of five crofts called "Wetherfeldes" beside "Hethsale" for 21 years at 40s. rent.
Date16 Dec [1549]
DescriptionSign. of Ric. Shawe. Seal R.
In these deeds William Bennet, Vicar of Trinity (DR0429/74), appears yet again, this time as leasing out the Vicarage - part of Jesus Hall - S. Nicholas Churchyard, where the garden of the late Trinity Vicarage is now, and S. Margaret's Chapel on Gosford Green, once a hermitage, and later a tithe barn; he was evidently an absentee and a curate was employed to do his work. Other deeds relate to the Saunders' family; John Hales founder of the Grammar School; Tho. Bond, of the family of the founder of Bablake; Edw. Damport, Joh. Harford (DR0429/75), and Will. Hyndman, whose will I published a little time back (DR0429/76). But the most interesting item concerns Joyce Thomur, doctor of medicine (DR0429/75), who occupied a house in Dog Lane (Leicester Street), which was in the possession of Will. Saunders. Thus at the outset we find this doctor connected with the Coventry family of Saunders. Further details show him in all probability connected with the Saunders of Weston-under-Weatherley, and in the church of that village is a brass plate bearing a curious Latin inscription, and a rough translation of it in English verse, dated December 22, 1566.

"Here lyeth Joyce Tomer, slayne by death
What had of pysycke skylle
Whose losse these comfortes saunders shewed
As tokens of goodwyll."

Presumably, this inscription was made at the order of Chief Justice Saunders, also buried at Weston; and he, as everybody will remember, was a brother of Laurence Saunders, the Marian martyr.

Dated: Dec. 16 3 Ed. VI. (1549)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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