
TitleGrant fr. Will. Hyndeman, alais Joigner, to Hen. Collyns, butcher, Henry, his son, Joh. Saunders, butcher, and Richard, his son, of lands, etc., in Coventry, to use and behoof of grantor and Sybelle, his wife, and the survivor of either, and at their decease to be employed for the purposes named in grantor's will. Ric. Sutton, Attorney. Seal crushed. Dorse, Tho. Wotton, Hen. Webb, Rob. Hopson, Joh. Greskam, Tho. Power, "and other moo," witnesses.
Date29 Aug [1558]
DescriptionWith these deeds we begin Elizabeth's reign, still making our way among such familiar names as Randle, Sewell, Damport, Saunders, and Kyrvyn. On the antiquity of "Medelborowe Wey" (84) and its effect on present-day street nomenclature I wrote some time since. Holbrook's (DR0429/86) is still called by that name; Will. Holbroke is mentioned in 1410 in the Leet Book. The grant of land in Allesley to Tyn is interesting on account of the evident allusions to the old method of agriculture, when land was held in scattered strips composed of "lands" or ridges, best seen nowadays in grazing fields that once were under the plough, "of butts", or "lands" cut short by some boundary or cross-way ploughing, and "had-lands" where the plough turns. We all remember how Shallow tells Davy to sow the headland with red wheat.

Dated: Aug 29, 5 and 6 P. and M. (1558)
NA696/Holy Trinity/Coventry/Coventry
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