
TitleAnn Biker's Settlement of a Charity
DescriptionBargain and Sale, indented, from Ann Biker of Frankton, spinster, to John Shuckburgh of Bourton, esq., the Rev. William Greenwood of Warwick, D.D., and five others (all clergymen, named) granting an annuity or yearly rent-charge of £6 issuing out of 3 closes of arable and pasture ground in Frankton called the "Heath Pieces" (c.25 acs.), some or one of which adjoins the land of [ ] Biddulph, esq., and a second annuity of £7 issuing out of 4 closes of meadow and pasture ground, and a little piece of ground formerly an orchard, on part whereof a house lately stood, commonly called the "Wasts and Holts Land" in Shilton and Sowe (c.20 acs). To be held in trust, that £10 (of the £13) be paid for "the maintenance of a Free school or Charity school" in Frankton, "for the Instruction and Teaching Gratis of the Boys of the Parish ... to read and write English and cast accompts, and to pay ... out of the same to a fitting Schoolmaster a Reasonable Salary, and the Charges of finding and Providing Books, Paper, Pens, Ink ... and for Entring the accounts of the receipts and payments and application of Money belonging to the said charity, and the ... charges and expenses in and about the ... School"; that £2 of the £13 be paid annually to the rector and churchwardens of Frankton, to be disposed of on Candlemas - day unto "Poor Ancient Maids and Widows" in the parish at the discretion of the minister and churchwardens (recipients" names etc. to be entered annually in a book of accounts to be kept by the trustees); that £1 of the £13 go to the trustees to answer the expenses of their meetings (they being directed to meet at least once in two years to examine the state of the school and proficiency of the boys); with agreements re the standing number of trustees (7), the re-appointment of trustees upon the death, resignation or removal of any of the trustees and related conditions re the re-settlement of the annuities. 28 Oct 1736.

Endorsed with a note of enrolment in Chancery, 18 Jan 1737, and a memorandum, signed by Miss Biker, dated 1 Feb 1737, directing that the maids and widows entitled to receive the charity of £2 should be 50 years of age and upwards and belong to the parish of Frankton; that no such maid or widow should receive above 10s. in any one year; that if there be any residue of the £2 that it be given to poor housekeepers or other "proper objects" belong to Frankton as the rector and churchwardens think fit (provided no one family should receive above 5s. in any one year out of such remainder).
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