
TitleArticles of Agreement
Date18 May 1775
DescriptionSigned and sealed by 18 subscribers, to prosecute, at their expense, all Felons and Offenders within the parish and liberties of Frankton for the several offences mentioned viz. "House Breakers, House Stealers or Robbers of Barns of any manner of Grain ... Stealers of Sheep Piggs or any manner of Cattell or Fowles ... Robbers of any Orchard or Garden or Stealers of any Hookes Thimbles Plowshares or any manner of Iron ... belonging to the Husbandry Business Also Stealers of Coals or ... Wood either from Wood Poyles Hedges or other Fences Also Stealers of Turnips, Peas, Beans [etc] ..." With covenants/agreements re payment of expenses in connection with the apprehension and conviction of offenders, Rewards for detection (specified for each kind of felony) and the collection of the monies by the parish constable
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