
TitleEnlargement of the church : original bundle
DescriptionContaining the following documents:
1. Copy of a faculty of Nov. 1781 to erect a gallery at north end of the church. With two plans. Copy examined, 1869-1870.
2. Copy of a faculty of Dec. 1781 to erect a gallery, staircase and window at the west end of the church. Copy examined, 1869.
3. Copy of a faculty of April 1816 to enlarge the church, erect new seats, a gallery, porch and vestry. Copy examined, 1870.
4. Contract by which Edward Treadgold of Leamington Priors, builder, agreed with the vicar and churchwardens to roof the enlarged church, make a ceiling, pews, doors etc. and build a new gallery against the south and west walls, 1816.
5. Copy of a faculty of Oct. 1842 to take down the wall at the west end of the church and extend the same 64 foot in length and 58 foot in breadth with entrances on the north and south sides and to erect pews. Copy examined 1853
6. Ground plan of the design for a new parish church in which the rights of the old pewholders are fully respected, undated, c.1842
7-10. New burial ground : copy letters and copy vestry minutes concerning the need for extra ground 1851: copy instrument authorising the purchase of land and the means of its payment, 1851; charge upon the church rates for securing £2,460 and interest for this, 1852.
11-12. The case in the Arches Court of Canterbury of the Rev. John Craig v. Watson and Johnson (his churchwardens) : Copy process from the Consistory Court of Worcester, 1870: office copy of decree 1870-1871.
13-14. St. Mary's Chapel, Leamington Priors : the case of the Rev. John Craig as to his right to protest against the consecration of a new chapel [? St. Mary's] and the opinion of Dr. Addams that if the chapel was erected in compliance with the act of 1 & 2 William IV [which permitted laymen to erect chapels without the consent of the incumbent of the parish in which they were situated], Craig had no case, 1839. The case as regarding allotting a district to St. Mary's chapel, c.1840.
15. Census form - giving totals only, 1831
16-17. Notice from the London and North Western Railway (Rugby and Leamington line) to the Revds. John Craig and Henry Wise regarding the purchase of land for the railway, 1847, with a plan of the land required from Henry Wise, undated, c.1847.
NA719/All Saints/Leamington Spa/Warwickshire
NA716/St Nicholas/Warwick/Warwickshire
NA747/Leamington Spa/Warwickshire
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