
TitleChancel repair and alterations
Date30 Jul 1907-29 Mar 1909
DescriptionCorrespondence from Edward Warren of 20 Cowley Street (Dean's Yard), Westminster, architect, re various alterations and repairs to the chancel including new chancel seating - choir and clergy stalls - and altar candlesticks, improving access to clergy stalls by cutting back the faces of chancel piers, panelling and paving the chancel with marble, erecting a new chancel ceiling (with bosses and gilding), introducing a new altar frontal (with detail re colouring and designs), alterations to reredos (figures and colouring) and the South wall (beams and corbels on the South side of the roof). There are also references to a new South window, the altar dais and rails, the sedilia (glazing of the sedilia window) and the introduction of gas brackets .
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