
TitleConveyance, by Lease and Release, from Elizabeth Attleborow of Sapcote (Leics.), widow and relict of John Attleborow, late of the same, yeoman, deceased, (and daughter and co-heir of John Greene, of Sapcote) and John Attleborow, yeoman, son and heir of Elizabeth Attleborow and John Attleborow, to John Wright of Sapcote, yeoman, and John Goodacre of Sapcote, yeoman
(1) the messuage with appurtenances in Sapcote where the grantors now live.
(2) the homestead or backside belonging and adjoining to (1) containing 1/2 ac., now in the tenure of the grantors.
(3) several pieces or parcels of arable land, meadow and pasture ground with appurtenances lying in the common and open fields of Sapcote containing three quarters and half a quarter of a yardland and now in the tenure of Elizabeth Attleborow.
To be held in trust to the uses declared viz. to Elizabeth Attleborow for life, then to John Attleborow for ever. 30-31 Dec 1692. (original nos. 1-2).
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