
TitleLease for 60 years from Elizabeth Attleborow (as in DR0230/67/1-2) to John Attleborow (as in DR0230/67/2) of land in Sapcote as in DR0230/67/1-2
Date1692 [1693]
DescriptionRent: £6 p.a. and, if Elizabeth Attleborow survives John Attleborow, £8 p.a. for the residue of the term, all payments to be made in the now dwelling house of John Goodacre (as in DR0230/67/2) in Sapcote. With a proviso re the lessor's repossession and covenants by the lessee, in the event of his not inhabiting with the lessor, to "carry and bring... unto and for [her]... one load of good pitt coales... from any place [she]... shall direct and appoint not above Twelve miles distant from Sapcoate..." and "halfe a hundred of good furr kidds..." annually during her life.
2 Jan 1692/3 (original no.3).
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