
TitleMinute book entitled "S. Andrew's Boy's [sic] School Minutes of Committee"
(1) minutes of the Committee of Management for St. Andrew's Boys' School (erected 1882), Bath St., (formerly Trinity Parochial School, erected 1862, which moved to the Bath St. site in 1882 and later became known as the Murray School) with references to St. Andrew's (Caldecott) School - Girls' and Infants' - "[late Holy Trinity]" Schools, Church St., (erected 1832 - as the first parochial school - and enlarged 1888) and to the Elborow School (Boys' and Girls'), Hill St. (moved to this site in 1856), 1881-1894. In 1891, for instance the Managers of the Boys' School discussed the advisability of adopting the provisions of the Elementary Education Act for the Parochial Schools with the Managers of the Girls' School and the trustees of Elborow School. In 1894 the minutes refer to the formation of the 2 Benn Schools - an Infant and a Mixed (Junior) School - erected on half an acre of glebe in Craven St. (now Rd.) in 1894/5.
(2) minutes of the Committee of Management of St. Andrews' Parochial Schools (viz. Bath St. and the Craven Road (Benn) Schools), 1894-1899. Includes references to the enlargement of Elborow School when the Managers assisted the Elborow Trustees (1895), the arrangement of the Parochial Schools into 5 departments (viz. St. Andrew's Girls' and Infants' (Caldecott) 2 depts.; St. Andrew's Boys' Bath St., 1 dept.; the Benn Schools, 2 depts.), 1897, and the application to the Charity Commissioners to unite the Management of these schools.
(3) minutes of the Meetings of all Departments, 1899-1903, re, inter alia, the proposed union of the Caldecott Schools, the Bath St. School (after 1899, the "Murray School(s)") and the Benn Schools which was effected by a Sealed Order of 1902 which sanctioned and constituted a United Board of Management for all Departments of St. Andrews' Schools.
(4) minutes of a conference between the Managers of St. Andrews' Schools and the Joint Committee for the enlargement of Schools in Rugby and New Bilton (1903) re enlargements in New Bilton, St. Matthew's Schools, the Murray School and re the erection (in process) of the Wood St. (Girls' and Infants') School as a department of St. Andrew's Schools (Elborow School to become a Boys' School only). This led to a final departmental reorganisation as follows:
(a) Murray Schools (all boys).
(b) Caldecott Schools (all girls).
(c) Benn Schools (all Infants).
(d) new Wood St. School (girls and infants).
Enclosed: newspaper cutting re the extensions at Elborow School.n.d., c.1895 (DR0230/74/1).
NA729/St Andrew/Rugby/Warwickshire
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