
TitlePhotograph of Members & Officers
DateOctober 1945
Back row L to R: Dr. H. Burns (Acting Medical Officer of Health), Councillors E.A. Courts, H. Deeming,, Mr. John Bennett (Treasurer), Councillors B. Simpson, A.J. Bonham, W.W. Johnson, J. Wood, J.E. Cope, Messers. R.F. Hargreaves (Education Officer), R.C. Moon (Surveyor), and J. Lightbown (Electrical Engineer). Middle row: L to R: Mr. A. Broadhurst (Macebearer), Councillors B.H. Mayo, P. Woodward, G. Comley, H.G. Painting, R. Haddon, F.H. Raison, G.W. Fennell, W.R. Lee, G.W. Loose, Ald. C.H. Cartwright and Miss E.R.G. Lord (Acting Librarian). Front row L to R: Ald. W.R. Chamberlain, Councillor Hon. Mrs. L.C.S. Fitzroy-Newdigate, Alderman W.T. Smith, Councillor Miss A.H. Moreton, Alderman C. Reader, J. Bates (Deputy Mayor), Councillors C.J.S. Dickens (Mayor) , Mr. T Oldroyd (Town Clerk), Councillor Mrs. D.E. Crew, Aldermen F.P. Pembleton, J. Randle and S.O. Currin. Absent - Councillors Mrs. H. Clark and W.H. Spencer. Absent on War Service - Councillor H.A. Corbett, Dr. P.G. Horsburgh (Medical Officer of Health) and Mr. E.S.A. Bryant (Librarian).Oct 1945
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