
TitleBundle of deeds and other documents relating to the site of the Warwick Working Men's Club in Barrack Street, Warwick.
DescriptionThe sequence beings with copies made in 1796 of the will of Ann Bradley of Warwick, widow, (proved in 1764) bequeathing (amongst other property) three messuages in Wallditch, otherwise Bridewell Lane, to Sarah, wife of Richard Fairfax (no. 1); of a mortgage of this property by John Russell of Warwick, baker, and Ann his wife (daughter of Sarah Fairfax) to Joseph Wright of Wolverhampton, Staffs., gent., in 1787-1788 (nos. 2-4); and an assignment of this mortgage to Alice Gough of Wolverhampton in 1790 (no. 5). In 1796 the property was sold by John and Ann Russell to Fulk Weale of Warwick, gent., (nos. 6 and 7), who sold it to George Daws of Warwick, porter merchant, in 1800 (nos. 8 and 9). William Pettifer of Warwick, innholder, purchased it in 1802 from the latter's Executor, William Daws of Hucknall Torkard, Notts., farmer, and mortgaged it to Sarah Stickley of Stratford upon Avon, widow, in 1805 (nos. 10, 14-15). This mortgage was assigned to Sarah's son John Stickley of Stratford, brazier, in 1811, after her death (no. 16). In 1821 the property now described as a public house called the Hare and Hounds, was sold by William Leeson of Shrewley, farmer, (William Pettifer's executor) to John Atkins of Warwick, innholder (no. 17). He in turn sold it to James Rose of Warwick, veterinary surgeon, in 1824 (nos. 18 and 19). At this point the sequence of deeds is broken, and the only other document of title is a lease of the former public house by Lucas & Co. Ltd. of the Brewery, Leamington, to Warwick Trades and Labour Club and Institute for 7 years in 1921 (no. 33). The other documents include copies of the wills of Sarah Stickley (proved in 1809; no. 20) and of William Pettifer (proved in 1841; no. 21); a copy of the administration of George Daws (1802; no. 11); affidavits and certificates from parish registers concerning the Fairfax and Dawes families, Wm. Pettifer, etc. (nos. 24-28); memorandum of an (abortive?) agreement for the sale of the Hare and Hounds by John Atkins to Joseph Stanley of Leamington Priors, innkeeper, in 1824 (no. 29); an abstract of the title of John Atkins to the Hare and Hounds, 1757-1824 (no. 30); a copy of an inventory of fixtures at the Hare and Hounds purchased by James Rose in 1838 (no. 31); and a plan of proposed alterations to the Warwick Working Men's club in Barrack Street (1948; no. 34).
NA715/St Mary/Warwick/Warwickshire
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