
TitleLetter to Mrs [Frances] Scott [wife of the Honourable Charles Scott] from Arthur Bigge
Date9 Jan 1884
DescriptionThe letter is headed with a crown, and underneath 'Osborne' [House, Isle of Wight]. It begins with a note of the return of a paper, 'Imperial Magnetism', and discusses the subject of the paper, Miss Shaw, a 'Yorkshire woman' and 'Mrs Shaw's curious entry into the Imperial service' and 'the poor Prince' [Louis Napoleon Bonaparte] who was 'devoted to her'.

The 'Imperial Magnetism' paper is handwritten and tells of Miss Shaw's determination to become nurse to Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, 'Prince Imperial of France'. [More orthodox sources suggest Miss Shaw was recommended by Queen Victoria.]

Arthur Bigge and the exiled Prince Imperial were friends from their time at the Royal Military Academy in Woolwich. Louis had been allowed to attend the Academy on condition he would not be allowed a commission upon graduation. However, Louis successfully petitioned to be allowed to join British forces in South Africa, which he did so in March 1879. Louis was killed by Zulus in a 'skirmish' in June 1879. Bigge served in the Zulu Wars between 1878 and 1879.

Arthur Bigge (1849-1931) would become Private Secretary to Queen Victoria in 1895, but previously served as her assistant private secretary (among other royal appointments).
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