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Collapse 00029 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, BEDWORTH - 1644-197100029 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, BEDWORTH - 1644-1971
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Collapse 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 1 - Valuations & rates1 - Valuations & rates
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Collapse 3 - Faculties3 - Faculties
1 - Faculty: granted to enlarge church by extending south wall 28 feet outwards, removing the vestry to the south of tower, erecting gallery on south side of church, extending the present gallery on the west side and erecting new pews. 2 plans showing alterations attached - 1827
2 - Faculty: granted to vicar for enlarging church by rebuilding north transept walls, a new roof, a new gallery in the north transept, putting up new seats and re-arranging present ones, 1850 - 1850-1851
3 - Faculty: granted for building new church, with copy - 1888
4 - Faculty: granted for erection of iron gates across the tower arch, with letter, 1901 and 2 plans, 1894 - 1894,1901
5 - Faculty: granted for hanging 2 pictures presented by F.W. Hunt: with notice and letter - 1902
6 - Faculty for altar candlesticks and hymn boards - 1909
7 - Faculty for a memorial tablet to 2nd lieut. T. Freeman - 1917
8 - Faculty for new organ - 1918
9 - Faculty authorizing placing of a tablet on north wall of north transept in memory of Rev. J.T. Owen - 1926
10 - Faculty: notice of intention to apply for a faculty for erection of carved oak screen at west end of Lady Chapel as memorial to Rev. Frederic R. Evans - 1929
11 - Faculty (with covering letter) for oak lectern - 1935
12 - Faculty for new font and font cover - 1937
13 - Faculty for oak panelling and radiators in the baptistry - 1938
14 - Confirmatory faculty (with covering letter) for painting and gilding the reredos - 1939
15 - Faculty for a new reredos in the Lady Chapel, and for two churchwardens' stalls - 1940
16 - Faculty for extending the altar rails - 1951
17 - Copy faculty (with two letters re citation) for making the churchyard an open space with public access - 1951
18 - Faculty (with covering letter and letter from Robert Bridgeman & Sons of Lichfield) for two bookracks at the west end of the church - 1952
19 - Faculty for additional bookdesks on the choir stalls - 1953
20 - Licence for a memorial prayer desk with a Book of Memory - 1955
21 - Faculty (with covering letter) for the repair of the bells - 1957
22 - Faculty for repairing the tower clock and painting the clock face, installing four wall safes, and placing bollards at the east end of the church - 1962
23 - Archdeacon's certificate authorising repairs to the church roof above the organ and vestry - 1962
24 - Faculty for a plaque commemorating the consecration of Coventry Cathedral - 1962
25 - Faculty for rewiring and lighting the church - 1965
26 - Faculty for a stained glass window in the belfry and a memorial tablet to Dr Lionel Orton - 1965
27 - Citation for a faculty to vest in Bedworth U.D.C. two pieces of consecrated ground, being part of the churchyard - 1965
28 - Faculty for two oak tables to form one occasional Communion Table - 1967
29 - Faculty for providing a sound amplification system, adding exterior doors to the north and south porches, and converting the boiler to oil firing - 1968
30 - Faculty (with covering letter and notice) for a reredos and panelling in the chancel
Expand 4 - Terriers & inventories4 - Terriers & inventories
Expand 5 - Deeds & property records (including insurance)5 - Deeds & property records (including insurance)
Expand 7 - Specifications, plans, tenders7 - Specifications, plans, tenders
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, inc. photos8 - Miscellaneous fabric & contents records, inc. photos
Expand 9 - Sequestration papers9 - Sequestration papers
Expand 10 - Churchwardens working papers10 - Churchwardens working papers
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary organisations5 - Auxiliary organisations
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Surveyors of the Highways8 - Surveyors of the Highways
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