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Collapse 00029 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, BEDWORTH - 1644-197100029 - PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, BEDWORTH - 1644-1971
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary organisations5 - Auxiliary organisations
Collapse 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Collapse 1 - Rates1 - Rates
1 - Rate roll - 1711 [1712]
2 - Rate roll endorsed "useless Things and Bastardly Bonds" - 1715-1716
3 - Rate book - Apr 1773
4 - Rate book - Apr 1774
5 - Rate book - Mar 1775
6 - Rate book - Feb 1776
7 - Rate book - Jul 1776
8 - Rate book - Dec 1776
9 - Rate book, with few accounts for furnishings, household articles and paint - Dec 1777
10 - Rate book, Jul 1778, with accounts for meat sold, 1779-1780 (at back) - 1778-1780
11 - Rate book - Oct 1778
12 - Rate book - Jul 1786
13 - Rate book - Sep 1801
14 - Rate book - Oct 1803
15 - Rate book - Dec 1803
16 - Rate book - Jan 1804
17 - Rate book - Feb 1804
18 - Rate book - Mar 1804
19 - Rate book (1st rate) - Jul 1805
20 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Aug 1805
21 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Dec 1805
22 - Rate book (1st rate) - Jan 1806
23 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Aug 1806
24 - Rate book (4th rate) - Oct 1806
25 - Rate book (5th rate) - Nov 1806
26 - Rate book (6th rate) - Dec 1806
27 - Rate book (7th rate) - Jan 1807
28 - Rate book (8th rate) - Mar 1807
29 - Rate book (1st rate) - May 1807
30 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jun 1807
31 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jul 1807
32 - Rate book (4th rate) - Aug 1807
33 - Rate book (5th rate) - Oct 1807
34 - Rate book (6th rate) - Nov 1807
35 - Rate book (7th rate) - Dec 1807
36 - Rate book (8th rate) - Jan 1808
37 - Rate book (9th rate) - Mar 1808
38 - Rate book (10th rate) - Apr 1808
39 - Rate book (1st rate) - May 1808
40 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Aug 1808
41 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Oct 1808
42 - Rate book (2nd rate) - May 1809
43 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jun 1809
44 - Rate book (4th rate) - Jul 1809
45 - Rate book (5th rate) - Aug 1809
46 - Rate book (6th rate) - Sep 1809
47 - Rate book (7th rate) - Oct 1809
48 - Rate book (8th rate) - Nov 1809
49 - Rate book (9th rate) - Dec 1809
50 - Rate book (10th rate) - Jan 1810
51 - Rate book (11th rate) - Feb 1810
52 - Rate book (12th rate) - Apr 1810
53 - Rate book (1st-3rd rates), May, Jul, Aug 1816 - 1816
54 - Rate book (4th-7th rates) - Oct 1816-Dec 1816
55 - Rate book (8th rate) - Jan 1817
56 - Rate book (1st-4th rates), Apr, May, Jul, Aug, 1818 - 1818
57 - Rate book (5th rate) - Sep 1818
58 - Rate book (7th rate) - Nov 1818
59 - Rate book (8th rate) - Dec 1818
60 - Rate book (9th rate) - Jan 1819
61 - Rate book (10th rate) - Feb 1819
62 - Rate book (11th rate) - Mar 1819
63 - Rate book (12th rate) - Apr 1819
64 - Rate book (1st rate) - May 1819
65 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jun 1819
66 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jul 1819
67 - Rate book (4th rate) - Aug 1819
68 - Rate book (5th rate) - Oct 1819
69 - Rate book (6th rate) - Nov 1819
70 - Rate book (7th rate) - Dec 1819
71 - Rate book (8th rate) - Jan 1820
72 - Rate book (10th rate) - Mar 1820
73 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1820
74 - Rate book (2nd rate) - May 1820
75 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jul 1820
76 - Rate book (4th rate) - Aug 1820
77 - Rate book (5th rate) - Sep 1820
78 - Rate book (6th rate) - Nov 1820
79 - Rate book (7th rate) - Jan 1821
80 - Rate book (8th rate) - Jan 1821
81 - Rate book (9th rate) - Feb 1821
82 - Rate book (10th rate) - Apr 1821
83 - Rate book (4th rate) - Oct 1822
84 - Rate book (5th rate) - Dec 1822
85 - Rate book (6th rate) - Mar.1823
86 - Rate book (1st and 2nd rates) - Apr 1823-June 1823
87 - Rate book (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th rates), Sept., Nov. 1823; Jan., Mar., 1824 - Sep 1823- Mar 1824
88 - Rate book (1st and 2nd rates) - May 1824-July 1824
89 - Rate book (3rd and 4th (deleted) rates) - Oct 1824, Dec 1824
90 - Rate book (4th and 5th rates) - Dec 1824, Feb 1825
91 - Rate book (1st rate) also highway rate - Apr 1825-May 1825
92 - Rate book (4th and 5th rates) - Nov 1825, Jan 1826
93 - Rate book (6th rate) - Mar 1826
94 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1826
95 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jun 1826
96 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jul 1826
97 - Rate book (4th rate) - Sep 1826
98 - Rate book (1st rate) since Michaelmas [usually reckoned from Easter] - Oct 1826
99 - Rate book (6th rate) - Dec 1826
100 - Rate book (7th rate) - Feb 1827
101 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1828
102 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jun 1828
103 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Sep 1828
104 - Rate book (4th rate) - Dec 1828
105 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1829
106 - Rate book (2nd rate) - May 1829
107 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jul 1829
108 - Rate book (4th rate) - Sep 1829
109 - Rate book (5th rate) - Nov 1829
110 - Rate book (6th rate) - Dec 1829
111 - Rate book (7th rate) - Jan 1830
112 - Rate book (8th rate) - Feb 1830
113 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1830
114 - Rate book (2nd rate) - May 1830
115 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jul 1830
116 - Rate book (4th rate) - Oct 1830
117 - Rate book (5th rate) - Dec 1830
118 - Rate book (6th rate) - Feb 1831
119 - Rate book (10th rate) - Mar 1831
120 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1831
121 - Rate book (2nd rate) - May 1831
122 - Rate book (3rd rate) - July 1831
123 - Rate book (4th rate) - Aug 1831
124 - Rate book (5th rate) - Sep 1831
125 - Rate book (6th rate) - Nov 1831
126 - Rate book (7th rate) - Dec 1831
127 - Rate book (8th rate) - Jan 1832
128 - Rate book (9th rate) - Feb 1832
129 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1832
130 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jun 1832
131 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Aug 1832
132 - Rate book (4th rate) - Sep 1832
133 - Rate book (5th rate) - Oct 1832
134 - Rate book (6th rate) - Dec 1832
135 - Rate book (7th rate) - Jan 1833
136 - Rate book (8th rate) - Feb 1833
137 - Rate book (1st rate) - Mar 1833
138 - Rate book (2nd rate) - May 1833
139 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Jun 1833
140 - Rate book (4th rate) - Aug 1833
141 - Rate book (7th rate) - Jan 1834
142 - Rate book (8th rate) - Mar 1834
143 - Rate book (1st rate) - May 1834
144 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jul 1834
145 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Sep 1834
146 - Rate book (4th rate) - Nov 1834
147 - Rate book (5th rate) - Jan 1835
148 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1836
149 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jul 1836
150 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Oct 1836
151 - Rate book (4th rate) - Dec 1836
152 - Rate book (5th rate) - Oct 1840
153 - Rate book (6th rate) - Dec 1840
154 - Rate book (7th rate) - Mar 1841
155 - Rate book (1st rate) - Apr 1841
156 - Rate book (2nd rate) - Jul 1841
157 - Rate book (3rd rate) - Oct 1841
158 - Rate book - Jan 1842
159 - Petition of William Topp of Bedworth to rated inhabitants of Bedworth: he is now in Warwick gaol (and his wife and children a burden on the parish) because he was unable to pay the balance of the poor rates he could not collect when he was overseer during the time of the cholera morbus. The parishioners' recommendation was that he should be released - 1833
Expand 2 - Accounts2 - Accounts
Expand 3 - Settlement Papers3 - Settlement Papers
Expand 4 - Apprenticeship records.4 - Apprenticeship records.
Expand 5 - Bastardy records5 - Bastardy records
Expand 6 - Militia papers6 - Militia papers
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous Overseers of the Poor papers7 - Miscellaneous Overseers of the Poor papers
Expand 8 - Surveyors of the Highways8 - Surveyors of the Highways
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 14 - Printed Material14 - Printed Material
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand 16 - Mission Churches16 - Mission Churches

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