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Collapse 00032 - PARISH OF ST JOHN BAPTIST, BERKSWELL - c1600-199300032 - PARISH OF ST JOHN BAPTIST, BERKSWELL - c1600-1993
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 7 - Overseers of the poor7 - Overseers of the poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Collapse 10 - Charities10 - Charities
1 - Section on the Berkswell Charities taken from "The Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities" pp. 637-651 - [1819-1837]
2 - Copy of a decree in chancery dated 3rd June, 34 Eliz.[1592] relating to the school, church and poor lands charity [for details of which see DR0613/214] containing a note that it was produced for a case in chancery in October 1753. - ?c.1600
3 - Copy of a decree in chancery dated 14th July 1754 relating to the school, church and poor lands charity[for details of which see DR613/No. 214 above]. Statement of the defendants' costs in pursuance of the decretal order - c.1754
4 - Order in chancery in the matter of the Berkswell Charity in connection with an increase in the schoolmaster's salary. Order in chancery confirming the master's report in the matter of the Berkswell Charity as above - 1838
5 - Charity Commission: copy order and scheme made by the Charity Commission in the matter of the Charities called "The school church and poor lands charity", "The Good Friday Grove Charity", "Freckleton's Gift", Marsh's Gift", "Miles's Gift", "Lea's Gift", "Reddings Gift", "Potters Gift", "Thomas Docker's Gift", "Gilbert Docker's Gift", "John Whitehead's Charity", "Sleath's Charity", and "Cattell's Charity" all in the parish of Berkswell" - 1869
6 - Accounts of the Berkswell Charity - 1860-1866
7 - Vouchers, probably all connected with charities - 1840-1843
8 - Vouchers, in connection with the charities - 1843-1847
9 - Vouchers, in connection with the charities - 1848-1852
10 - Vouchers, in connection with the charities - 1862-1865
11 - Vouchers, in connection with the charities - 1865-1867
12 - Original bundle in a paper wrapper marked "Berkswell Charities Leases etc. etc. Revd. T. Cattel Rector-Trustee. Schoolmasters Appointments etc. by whom" - 1804-1867
13 - Original bundle wrapped in brown paper and headed "Notices etc." - mid 19th cent
14 - Job Potter's Charity: Contemporary parchment copy of the will of Job Potter of Berkswell, yeoman, made 10th October and proved 6th December 1686, giving an annual sum of 30s.0d to be distributed to the poor of Berkswell. With later paper copy of the same, 18thc - c.1686-18th century
15 - John Whitehead's Charity: feoffment from John Greaves of Bedworth gent. and others to John Whitehead of Berkswell, yeoman, of a messuage and five closes called Geshyngtons and Burchfeilds at Oldnall End, 1671 - 1671-1760
16 - Distribution of food to the poor: original bundle of correspondence mostly between Thomas Illidge esq. and the Rev. Thomas Cattell and bills and vouchers in connection with the distribution of flour and bacon to the poor - 1831
17 - Distribution of food to the poor: letter from Thomas Illidge to the Rev. Thomas Cattell, February 1831 and two schedules of those in receipt of flour and bacon in February and April 1831. (found loose). - 1831
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Expand 14 - Printed Material14 - Printed Material
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