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Collapse 00042 - PARISH OF ST GEORGE, BRAILES - Circa 1570-199700042 - PARISH OF ST GEORGE, BRAILES - Circa 1570-1997
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Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
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Expand 7 - Overseers Of The Poor7 - Overseers Of The Poor
8 - Highway Surveyors
Collapse 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Collapse 1 - Boys' School (Free School) and Church Charity1 - Boys' School (Free School) and Church Charity
Expand 1 - Minutes1 - Minutes
Expand 2 - Accounts and financial records2 - Accounts and financial records
Collapse 3 - Deeds and property records3 - Deeds and property records
1 - Conveyance by Barnabas Bishopp and other inhabitants of Brailes `late purchasers of the premises hereafter mentioned' to John Bishopp of Brailes and others of a chamber, a hall "late a guild there, of late converted to a school", 2 bedchambers with the lofts near the Churchyard and the garden adjoining, part of the possessions of the late Guild of Brailes, on trust out of the yearly rents and profits to repair the Church (added at the bottom of the deed). After £40 has been collected out of the rents and profits aforesaid they are to be applied to the use of the Free School. 20 October 18 James I. (1620). Deed and counterpart. - 1620
2 - Feoffment of new trustees for the Church and Free School Charity, 18 February 1684 (1685) - 1684
3 - View and Survey of Brayles Church rents, by Charles Gerard, schoolmaster of the Free School, 8 October 1684. (Endorsed) "No. 1 Brailes School Lands ...". Wallet for acquittances attached. - 1684
4 - Rental giving the names and holdings of the tenants at will of the feoffees (trustees). (Endorsed) "School Lands no. 2" - Circa 1684
5 - Memorandum including the annual stipend payable to the Free School out of the King's chief rents of Brayles and a list of lands in Brayles and Tysoe charged with payments for the benefit of the poor of Brailes, 1684. (Enclosed) "A Particular of School Lands in 1684. 4". - 1684
6 - Feoffment of new trustees for the church and School Charity 20 September 1763. (Endorsed) "Brailes School Feoffment" - 1763
7 - Rental of the lands and tenements belonging to the Free School at Brailes, collected Lady Day, 1775. (Endorsed) "Rental of Guild Lands" - 1775
8 - "Schedule" of the houses and lands belonging to the Free School at Brailes, by Richard Godson, Master of the School, 29 November, 1777. (Endorsed) "Schedule of the School Lands of Brailes" - 1777
9 - Feoffment of new trustees for the Church and School Charity, 13 May 1791 - 1791
10 - Lease and release to new trustees for the School Charity of Brailes, 19/20 June, 1812 - 1812
11 - Extracts from the patent rolls of royal grants of lands and tenements formerly belonging to the Guild of Brailes, the Guild of Knole and the late Chantry in Brailes, 6 Edward VI January 2 (1553) to 12 James I May 30 (1614). (Endorsed) "Brailes School". - 1820
12 - Schedule of deeds and writings relating to Brailes Charity, with receipt of the same, dated 1821, for deposit in the parish chest - 1821
13 - Conveyance by Joseph Spencer of Chelmscote, Wm. Baker of Lower Brailes and Edmund Morris of Upper Brailes (the surviving feoffees or trustees of the Trust Estate) to Wm. Harris, farmer, Thomas Wincott, farmer, Wm. Baker the younger, farmer, Thomas Davis gent., and John Cawley surgeon, all principal inhabitants of Brailes and nominated in public vestry to be new trustees of the same trust of all that messuage or tenement comprising and being used as the Free School and School House, together with other pieces of land and tenements comprising the Trust Estate, 19th May 1838 - 1838
14 - Order of the Charity Commissioners appointing new trustees of the Free. School of Brailes and vesting its property in the official Trustee of Charity Lands, 17 February 1863, with correspondence 1862-1863. - 1862, 1863
15 - Conveyance by Henry James Sheldon of Brailes House to the trustees of the Brailes Church and Free School Charity of 21 perches of ground south of the Six Bells Road in Upper Brailes, 31 December 1868, including plan. (On dorse) Memorandum of conveyance by the trustees to Brailes R.D.C. of 1.916 acres of the above land, marked blue on the plan in the deed - 1868
16 - Rental of property of the old Guild in Brailes, undated - nd
17 - Copy of exchange of allotments under the Lower Brailes Enclosure Award, dated 3 February 1787 between Richard Godson, trustee of the old Guild land, and Charles Bishop, undated. - nd
18 - List of repairs to John Wadups' (?charity) house, Nov. 1813 - 1813
Expand 4 - Appointments of schoolmasters4 - Appointments of schoolmasters
Expand 5 - Working papers5 - Working papers
Expand 2 - William Baldwin2 - William Baldwin
Expand 3 - Richard Badger's Charity3 - Richard Badger's Charity
Expand 4 - Baldwin, Capell and Willington4 - Baldwin, Capell and Willington
Expand 5 - William Prestidge's Charity5 - William Prestidge's Charity
Expand 6 - William Willington6 - William Willington
Expand 7 - Francis Capell7 - Francis Capell
Expand 8 - James Cooper8 - James Cooper
Expand 9 - Finlay Gibson9 - Finlay Gibson
Expand 10 - Rev. William Richardson10 - Rev. William Richardson
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand 16 - Mission Churches16 - Mission Churches

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